Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tomorrow is anuva day one day at a time What a FAB photo by Travis Geny modelfashioninfo Model Fashion always keeps an eye out for fabulous fashion photo’s and when

Sean Vladimir Welbeck
Sean Vladimir Welbeck Tomorrow is anuva day, one day at a time
Keri Atkins
Keri Atkins What a FAB photo by Travis Geny!!
Model Fashion always keeps an eye out for fabulous fashion photo’s and when we saw Photographer Tavis Geny‘s work with model Jovani Ridler, we knew we had to share! -Isn’t this just a fabulous photo??
Martyn Doe
Martyn Doe Come out of cinema to elrics car and someone's gone to effort to write a note notifying that he can't park for shit :) got to love 10 to 2 driving!
Lindsay Elliott-Shamaly
Lindsay Elliott-Shamaly Driving today and I see a delivery truck for Keebler going into Heinen's parking lot. The side of this truck read, "The best elffin' majic around" lol I don't know what to think of that!
Tolio Zampista
Tolio Zampista . . . . .
This is a mashup made by two songs.. Gramatik - Break loose & Nas- life's a bitch P.S I don't own the two songs that is made of.
Maria Pineda
Maria Pineda Did a lot today and more to do
Dee Dee Garrott
Dee Dee Garrott up talking to my girls and have some drinks. baby is already sleeping the twins are at a sleep over and Ryan is with his dad. Can't wait to pick up my girl tomorrow night.
Junies Williams
Junies Williams At the hospital & just received devastating news about my baby girl.. She has bleeding on her brain, & a very bad infection that's damaging her brain tissues.. The bleeding and infection has caused her to have uncontrollable seizures.. They are unsure of the damage that was caused & will not know until she's stable enough to do a CT scan on her head... I know all things are possible through Christ who strengths me.. I ask you to keep my baby girl in your prayers..
Johad Hopkins
Johad Hopkins everybody get this page out there
A&R Music Live host weekly online listening sessions with top record company A&R contacts who review music and talent deal consideration - call 770-686-9100!
Lola Fries
Lola Fries well today i got to work and found out that they signed a weekend cotract for the next 8 saterdays over time.i am giving up 2 saterdays to work a total of 22 hrs sweet at 18 plus an hour.yup i am on that like flies on shit.
Mishqah Allie
Mishqah Allie Sitin outside wit a bowl of hot chips nd watchin da cars go by lol wot a boring nyt I am hveing
Everardo Salgado
Everardo Salgado A limpiar se a dicho
Gary Lacy
Fightin' dog Words I'm just a dog but do you know what they make me do? They make me fight the other dog, until his life is through. This isn't what I would choose. I was just taught this way, and i am so very sorry is all that I can say. They made me kill my brother. He kind of looked like me. I never wanted to do it, it's just the way it had to be. My brother never stood a chance. I was big and tough and mean . It was either I did the killin', or he's tortured by the human being. I've fought too many fights to count, and I never wanted to fight one. But the minute i don't fight no more, my life, it will be done. They will kill me one way or another, or sick the pack on me.... and when that moment finally comes at last, i will be free. By Savana Frame Pet Pardons Poet Laureate @[186352638082349:274:We Are Their Voice {Stop Animal Cruelty}]
Michael Crawford
Michael Crawford so women can legally b charged with rape now. just a lil fyi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Gish
Harrison Dugi
Harrison Dugi hope everyone is having a good time have a good weekend everyone
Meshack Kevin
Meshack Kevin I need my family and friends to help me with all the pain that I got hide in a time like this,im trying to be the man ma daddy left me to be for the woman in my life,and on top of that prove who gave me life on paper cuz of my last name.I kno who ma dad is,and if u kno who my dad is comment his name to me for some support.R.I.P DADDY.
Danylle DuPris
Danylle DuPris I'm gettin' a little bit stronger..<3
Austin Ackerman
Austin Ackerman You don't know a thing about me. =)
Nina Taylor
Nina Taylor No matter how "busy" a persons day might be. If they "really care", they'll always find time for you.
Rachel Maloney
Rachel Maloney Ladies and gentlemen skinny and stout I'll tell you a tale i know nothing about. The admission is free so pay at the door. Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor. One fine day in the middle of the night Two dead boys got up to fight Back to back they faced each other Drew their swords and shot each other. A blind man came to watch fairplay, A mute man came to shout hooray, A deaf policeman heard the noise, And came to stop those two dead boys ,He lived in the corner in the middle of the block In a two-story house on a vacant lot, A man with no legs came walking by And kicked the lawman in his thigh, He crashed though the wall without making a sound Into a dry creekbed and suddenly drowned, The long black hearse came to cart him away But he ran for his life and is still gone today, I watched from the corner of the big round table The only eyewitness to the facts of my fable, But if you doubt my lies are true Just ask the blind man He saw it to! Haley Mae Maloney
Joe Johnson III
Joe Johnson III I'm kinda like a big deal!!!
Alejandro Rojas
Alejandro Rojas Slappin country all the way. Gonna be a good night
Shelly Nun Chucks Finnegan
Shelly Nun Chucks Finnegan I know I should be thankful for things....but sometimes my heart is heavy and a little sad....I don't think you can truly understand how it feels to be me....I know my dream is to work with Jackie Chan...but even so....sometimes I just truly just wish to sit and just want to talk with Jackie.....I really been good and working hard...trying to get really into shape....I try hard to stay myself
Jeanny Lopes
Alguns procuram a felicidade outros a criam;*

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