Saturday, January 7, 2012

Per cdo Like familja e kesaj femije merr 1 cent per cdo Share merr 3 cent at'here ndihmojeni me Share Ju Lutna neka e za mnogu godini denot HRISTOS SE

Valdete Osmani
Per cdo Like familja e kesaj femije merr "1" cent per cdo Share merr "3" cent at'here ndihmojeni me Share Ju Lutna.
Trajce Levkov
Trajce Levkov neka e za mnogu godini denot HRISTOS SE RODI !!NAVISTINA SE RODI !
Luisa Michelotti
Luisa Michelotti dopo palestra concerto banda e pizza si va a nanna.comunque complimenti a eleonora nadine e laura davvero brave per tutto...baci e notte
Mike Getz
Mike Getz Hey! i'm in a pretty good mood but i just wanna say one thing because of some attitude i got from someone yesterday, this guy was pissed that he had no money to the point where he was gritting his teeth, i could tell by the dirty look he gave me that he misdirects his hate towards the "white man" or just about anybody doing better than him for his misfortune, well here's what i wanna say "the streets of this country arent fucking paved with gold, their paved with the corpses of imbeciles like you that think everything should be handed to them because they are an american citizen, occupant or w/e, dont come to america expecting riches for nothing, all great successes come from blood, sweat, tears and years of dedication, you have no fucking idea how much work and acquired skill it takes to run a successful shop or business, take this for instance that you are not special at all, neither are your products or services, so why would anyone even come in to your store for any other reason than to use the bathroom? you wanna run with the big dogs? you got at least 5 years of real world experience and failures ahead of you before you get to appreciate the fruits of your labor, not to mention that you have to accept the bad times as well as the good times, no company that ever existed had only positive growth, there was negative as well and they had to continuously recalculate to keep themselves and their employee's, family's afloat and make sure they had paycheck money and all the bills paid, nothing is ever simple and nothing ever goes as planned, so shut up and learn how to make it better instead of blaming other or having negativity towards them."
Chantelle Pidgeon
Chantelle Pidgeon Almost got the e-reader figured out... almost
Rrubinha Ribeiro Dos Santos
Catarine Campagnaro Simonelli
Catarine Campagnaro Simonelli boa noite a todos, ja estou em vila velha e jean esta começando se apresentar bjs a todos hj a noite vai ser longa fuiii
Isadora Damiano Giannaccari Nunes
Isadora Damiano Giannaccari Nunes Amiga super antenada e criativa!!
Comentarista de Blogs, se é que vocês me entendem! hihihi Aqui vamos divulgar as Top Blogueiras e com elas aprender, tem muita gente boa no anonimato ainda! ᵀ ᴴ ᴱ ᴼ ᴿ ᴵ ᴳ ᴵ ᴻ ᴬ ᴸ ❤
Lizandra Lima
Lizandra Lima Eu pedindo beijo e ela dando porrada, tá me falando que eu sou sem vergonha e não presto pra nada, mais tá me amando ..! (8)''
Martin Huber
Martin Huber
Pece Karapejoski
Pece Karapejoski Za mnogu godini neka e denov zdravje sreka i ljubov za site Hristos se rodi


Pece Karapejoski
Faye Carney
Faye Carney I was just on a website that I want to share with everyone. if you like to encourage others with ecards then please use this site. It is wonderful and I recommend it to everyone. one card I just sent has this sentence in it and it is something for each one of us to think about... He could have called 10,000 angels, but He died alone, for you and me. where would we be if HE HAD CALLED 10,000 angels to set HIM Free.... but HE loved us ... no HE LOVED ME enough not to call even 1 angel to set HIM FREE... WOW think about that for a moment and then thank HIM FOR HIS LOVE
Your number (1) website for sending Free greeting e-card, Touch someones heart with uplifting inspirational graphics,music, Poems, Quotes, Love Greeting Cards,flash, Funny Cards, Free Email greetings from
Pedro Henrique Rodrigues
Pedro Henrique Rodrigues minhas férias estão chegando !
Provas serão feitas em três dias e começam sempre às 13h. Nota da primeira fase será usada no cálculo final.
Alvz Bastian
Alvz Bastian haist! Kap0i j0gg!Ng u!E!! Team nabunturan lal0ng lumalakas..jajaja
Helaine Oliveira
Ninguém é Coitado Todos Nós somos Capazes de Vencer.
Karolyne Rodrigues
Karolyne Rodrigues ,.. a energia que tú passa me faz crer, que nessa vida tudo pode acontecer, é só acreditar não basta só querer, tem que correr atrás, tem que fazer valer (8)
Mamoia Colney
Mamoia Colney mut chhuak ve ta det e....
Uendel Andrade
Uendel Andrade se os três dias de prova da fuvest só caísse física pra mim, eu passava em primeiro lugar, por isso, concluo que a vida é injusta.
Bukuroshja E Vetmuar
Bukuroshja E Vetmuar I urrej personat kur flasin kot pa lidhje vetem e vetem te te lendojne !
Kon Machida Akabane
Kon Machida Akabane ang past daw dapat kalimutan , dahil sakit lang ang yung matatamo kung patuloy mo itong babalikan at iisipin . dapat itapon na daw , dapat di na bigyang pansin dahil tapos na kayo , wala ka nang dapat pang ipilit ! - - - - - - pero para sa akin ? hayzz . - - - - - - yung din eh .. alangan nmag di kalimtan , murag buang mag palahi kug motto ? hayahayy kaau ka ! haha papilit noun taka sa akong lapa lapa unya tamak2'kan ! haha .. P in k F iv E .


Kon Machida Akabane
Agostinho Niquisse
Agostinho Niquisse a caminho da... Advinhem! Solteiro com dinheiro e...?
Jeone Domingos
Jeone Domingos DEUS Obrigado mais um dia e uma demonstração linda do seu amor com agente que somos tão pequeninos, ; Hj foi massa todos aprovados para ser guardião pelo grupamento marítimo de salvamento aquático huuupp!!! Guardiões 2012 formados no G.mar muita ralação pra glória de DEUS muitos foram aprovados por que confiaram que DEUS estava no negócio Obrigado Senhor por nos agraciar Te amo DEUS !!!
Marcos Liberal
O PS apresentou à Assembleia da República um projecto de lei relativo à cópia privada, que pretende aumentar a taxa a pagar pelos consumidores sobre os dispositivos que permitem fazer cópias, como os discos externos e os cartões de memória. A medida foi aprovada!
Carella Ross
Carella Ross I'M NOT TALKING TO CHICAGO PEOPLE HERE THIS IS FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO TUCK THIS IN THEIR BACK POCKETS FOR FUTURE USE & IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT COME AT ME WITH YOUR 60-[fill in the blank] zip code mentality & i will slay you with ease: Obama is a special kind of liar. he's A CHICAGO lair. you need to know what that is to understand how he slithered his way out of that place & flourished. anyone from there who truly is a good person & has your best interests at heart would NEVER lie about that place. that is GROUND ZERO for the convenient glass ceiling. they DESPISE real beauty & grace & here's the kicker...ANYONE who exposes tha...t. it drives them NUTS. i consider it an absolute honor not being popular there just on that technicality alone. it's SO obvious that there isn't even a shred of prophetic anything in the evaluation. Chicago-ans never hear the SHIT-cago cliche from the rest of this country's daily lexicon because it's also GROUND ZERO for hiding out a.k.a why i left. i wanted NEEDED some real competition that would challenge me. if you want to be taught how to pretend the obvious away & sink back into your dinner plate when anyone starts talking about the truth that's your place for boot camp. i HATE that. i WANT it to be better. i'll put the best people i've met from there up against anyone i've ever met. L.A. & NYC could SO use a bit of that higher Chi-town gene. there's a salt-of-the-earth element that is as charming as it is potent.....BUT (isn't there always a capitalized BUT with me ???) to state Chicago is the Jan Brady of big cities is an insult to Jan Brady. she is/was prettier than that. Obama IS a Jan Brady. Marcia will always be there to fuck him up because past the strut....past the feigned bravado he's still just an Alfred E. Nueman lookin' fuck who was only a star in a place that has no real concept of that.....with a bad plan to boot.....masterfully executed only because he's doing it to a bunch of retards....but still bad nonetheless. rack up another GLARING embarrassment for Chicago. they're good at that. trust me i know. i'm one of them. i had to deal with their simpleton shit for long enough but the tide turned a long LONG time ago.
Louise Knight
Louise Knight doing laundry,just got done visit with Levi half an hr ago,gunna get ready for the day,yesterdeays viist was at chuck e cheese aned it was fun!!! with a

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