Joji Joy " it s ma fvrt n ma model Hrithik Roshan's b' 10th per ma frnds' required..m gonna throw a party at our place..all u buddies r warm welcmd..!!!" :-P;-) .. <3 J
Livi Jiivan friend is like a stapler its easy to attach and difficult to remove and the worst is wen u remove,it leaves the paper damaged forever....!!!!
Gud nyt frndz...,
Nickkie Mallory Not going yet cause the fever reducer med i gave my lil man is working, now just watching cartoons til he falls asleep....... Thank u God i knew u would lay ur hands on him n make him feel better......... God is good All the Time
Maria Allgood i have a iunch of borin ass facebook friends i need 2 find new 1 ya wack lol wheres dorese lol u always puttin some funny shit on here lml
Monique Farrell gd mn ppl...blessings to every one today...i thank god for waking me and my fam up this morning.....i thank him for every lil breath that he give me..cause guess what someone else was not and lucky as me and my family today...make sure u tell your love ones that u love them..i am so glade that i have the type of family that no matter what we go through we all still love one another ...i loveeeeeeee my family
Rocking Lovnika Go away frm my lyf .....Go away frm my hrt.....leav me alone in ths lonliness so dat u shud observe ths fact.....Dat SUMDAY I COULD HAVE BEEN URS BT U NVR WANTED DAT
Makeba Robinson Psalm27:1The Lord is my light n my salvation;whom shall I fear?The Lord is the strength of my life;whom shall I be afraid?When u have him no need 2 fear!B bless
Sheila Steele Roll Tide Baby! Couldnt have been more excited! That makes 3 in a row for our state! U no we love our football!
Samali Godfrey 5 missed call from ur mate,u missed a bachelor party last night.5 missed call from ur best friend, they want 2 hang out.5 missed call from ur girlfrnd ,she want 2 talk.5 missed call from ur mum,u are screwed.
Timothy Yee
Looks like a lot of effort, but worth it.
Click to Facebook: Click to Tweet: Minecraft Cake from Minecraft! RED VELVET CAKE: - 2 1/2 cups of all-purpose fl...
Conrad DjSolo Jaramillo man traffic striaght up sucked today, got to work 4 minutes late today and not able to get my breakfast fix :-( traffic F u, so at work starving now :-(
Ailand Zulu Plz if am owing anybody money or any thing else plz inbox me or call me,that i may sot out that issue, i dont lik credit now coz u cant progres with it. nkongole zisowesa mtendere.
Centrevillian Thuggin Start my day off wit a blunt M.I.P SHANEOOO. Happy bady goin hard fa u nigga lov u nigga
Arnab Ghosh if someone dislike u,dont be sad coz there is always someone who loves u even more 4 the same nature.......................
Jennifer Garcia who ever hacked kayla is in trouble and stop it or u will get hacked bk
Aditya Maheshwari " MY WHOLE LIFE FOR MY FRIENDS "......?
FrAnDs & FrAnDsHiP are the very sweetest thing in life of...ME & U...///...@
1.- I m ur ...'FrAnD'...
2.- I m ur ...'FiRsT FrAnD'...
3.- I m ur ...'LaSt FrAnD'...
But i hope that ....///...
I M ALWAYS UR ..." BeSt-FrAnD"...///...
( FrAnDs-FoReVeR )
Bhavin Yadav MISSING U.... :(
Afeez Akinbode Thx to u all for wishing me well on bday...God in his infinite mercy will shower his blessings upon each every one of u both today and d nearest future. Once again, thx very much...I appreciate u all
Cookie Dowling Ok so i love my job, hate living pay check to pay check, need a second job, so i can buy my amazing children anything they want!! If u know me u know i already do i think thats y i need a second job ohhh n my ten yr olds basketball team is undefeated!!! Ya baby he rocks shouts to merrek who dunks like a champ!!!
Noli Ndlovu 'tell me du u wanna lov me 4eva or is t jst a hit a run' - J.Cole
Annabel Ellares dis is my roaming no. 09052466153,,,just txt me mga frend...i mizz u all.
Akintoye Omosalewa Funso if u dnt knw where u'r going how do u expect 2 get there. Nigerians where exactly r we going to?
Itsallabout MzDimplez Good Morning!!!! Today is Tuesday.... 4 more days..... Thank u GOD for blessing me. He wake me up this morning, blessing me with life. I hope my Facebook Family n Friends have a blessed day. *MUAH*
Larry Suire If u don't like it, ride out
Houston Rivas super thank u sa mga nag greet...luv u all..miss u...
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